v1 Patch Notes

happy halloween. is this quiz prep not identical to our hw?? heres my rascal cat who learned to hop onto the fridge

Problem 1: For the strategy of latest selecting the activity latest to start

Part 1.) Design an algorithm that follows this strategy.

    sorted_activities = sortBackwardsByStart(activities)
    optimal_solution = []
    earliest_start = Inf
    for activity in sorted_activities:
        if activity.finish <= earliest_start:
             earliest_start = activity.start
    return optimal_solution

Part 2.) Provide the runtime of the algorithm in part 1

sorting takes . then when we iterate over activities, we do so times so that takes . thus sorting dominates and the algorithm has a runtime of

Part 3.) Provide a greedy choice proof for the algorithm


my explanation sucks tbh but heres a vid i liked that helped me understand it. ima rework this one later

Problem 2 

Given  where and and similarly you can breakup , Then . Create pseudocode for a divide and conquer algorithm that achieves the above goal.

im not explaining allat

honestly for this one just watch 10/22 lecture

multiply(X, Y):
	n = X.length
	X_L = X[1..n/2]
	X_R = X[n/2+1..n]
	Y_L = Y[1..n/2]
	Y_R = Y[n/2..n]
	A = multiply(X_L, Y_L)
	C = multiply(X_R, Y_R)
	B = multiply(X_L + X\_R, Y\_L + Y\_R)
	B = shift(B - A - D, n/2)
	A = shift(A, n)
	return A + B + C

Problem 3: Pure analysis

Provide binary search algorithm that takes a sorted list of n strings each of length and finds a specific string x. What is the runtime of your algorithm?


“strings each of length and finds a…” each of length what????? ima make the assumption she meant length .

# pretty straightforwards alg. 
binarySearchString(arr, x):
	# get left and right indices of array
    left = 0
    right = arr.length - 1
    # loop until we check left == right
    while (left <= right):
        # find middle of left and right
        mid = (left + right) / 2
        # check if middle is x
        if arr[mid] == value:
            return mid
        # if middle is lesser then move left to one greater than middle so we can search right side
        else if arr[mid] < value:
            right = mid - 1
        # if middle is greater then move right to one lesser than middle to search left side. 
            left = mid + 1
    # return -1 if x is not found
    return -1

What is the runtime of an algorithm that sorts n strings each of length m?

sorting takes . but the strings have chars, so comparisons take for each char in the string. multiply the two and we get