v1 Patch Notes - Oct. 25, 4:00 pm

i bombed the midterm :’) me when 40 min delay. ive been slacking a bit… but this quiz doesnt seem so bad at least. ok luna blog uhh sorry i got this one out kinda late i havent done 2 yet ill do it in v2 im playing smash rn lol

v2 Patch Notes - Oct. 26

fixed a few errors and added question 2

a.) Find the closed form of  T(n)=T(n/2)+ 4 if the base case is 2 using recurrence tree.

This one’s pretty similar to other recurrence tree problems. Only difference is for our base case we stop at T(2) rather than T(1), so our depth equation changes. For this problem, we must solve for

Which solves to

Our work at each level is 4, so we can calculate the closed form with

b.) Use all possible  method to find T(n)=T(2n/3)+T(n/3)+n to find the closed form of the T(n)


i have been informed masters theorem and substitution are not possible in this unbalanced form. heres recursion tho

Recursion Tree

Work per level: as seen in the image above
Depth: since we’re multiplying by a constant less than 1 each time we plug it in.

c.) Design a function that does the following

Name: Silly
Input: int x
Output: translate the to its interger in base 3 in an array size log_3(x)+1
for example silly(5) returns A=[1,2] because 1*3+2*1=5
silly(12)returns A=[1,1,0] because (3^2*1+3*1+1*0)=12

    digits = floor(log(x, 3)) + 1 # result will have log base 3 of x + 1 digits 
    converted = [0] * digits # idk u can do this in python. im not even a python girlie lol 
    for (i = digits-1 to 0; i--): # decrementing by -1 from n-1 to 0. this isnt real code just pseudocode
	    converted[i] %= 3 # set rightmost unfilled digit to remainder 
	    x = floor(x/3) # remove the remainder 
    return converted


first two lines are O(1). the for loop iterates log(n) times. the contents inside for loop is O(1), so the entire for loop is log(n). the dominant of these two is log(n), which is the function’s runtime.

d.) Show the top level recursive algorithm for maxsubarray problem

maxSubarray(arr, left_index, right_index):
    if left_index == right_index:
        return arr[left_index]
    mid_index = (left_index + right_index) / 2
    max_left = maxSubarray(arr[0..mid_index])
    max_right = maxSubarray(arr[mid_index+1..rightIndex])
    max_cross = maxCross(arr, leftIndex, mid_index, right_index)
    return max(max_left, max_right, max_cross)
# u dont acrtually need this part cuz just top level but ima show anyways for ur reference
maxCross(arr, left_index, mid_index, right_index):
    left_max = float('-inf')
    total = 0
    for (i = mid to left_index-1; i--):
        total += arr[i]
        if total > left_max:
            left_max = total
    right_sum = float('-inf')
    total = 0
    for (i = mid_index+1 to right_index+1):
        total += arr[i]
        if total > right_max:
            right_max = total
    return left_max + right_max

e.) Show the bruteforce algorithm for maxsubarray problem.

    n = arr.length
    max_sum = float('-inf')
    for (i=0 to n-1):
        current_sum = 0
        for (j=i to n-1):
            sum += arr[j]
            max = max(max_sum, current_sum)
    return max_sum