Quiz 1 Prep - There are no solutions to these they are hints for the test. Work together or with the me or the TAs to solve these.
whats that??
hmmm no solutions she says?!?1? ummm live miku reaction :3
anyways heres the quiz 1 solutions v3 by the one and only real hatsune miku
patch notes
v2 - fixed up problem 6 code stuff and added comments
v3 - i asked questions abt stuff i wasnt sure about after lecture today oct 3rd so i hope this doc is correct now. question 4 i added base cases. question 5 not having a base case was in fact an oversight. oh and for question 1 i asked about log bases, we can use any base to our convenience if not specified by her.
1) Prove that T(n)=5(n^2)logn+4n^2+3 is Big-Theta of g(n)=2(n^2)logn
To prove this, we must show that as well as .
First, let’s prove that . We know the following is true for :
We choose because , and to ensure the new expression is greater or equal, terms must be multiplied by a value . The above expression can then be simplified as
Thus, for and we know that , and therefore .
Next, let’s prove that . Because for any real , we know the following is true for :
Therefore, for and we know that , and therefore .
As we have proven that and , we have also proved .
2) Prove T(n)=O(g(n)) via limit lemma
To prove this, we must show that .
ok i give up on typing well ima do the rest of this doc as if im texting. here we will treat log as base e because it makes derivatives easier. time for round 2 of l’hopitals
ok ngl i dont know how many times she wants us to take the derivative like its very obviously 10/4 here so im not gonna bother to do it again
yay boom its equal to constant, thus
3) Limit Lemma
f(n)=nlogn g(n)=n^2 +3n prove via limit lemma that f(n)=O(g(n))
same as before, we gotta show
run it back babyyyyy
once again, we got a constant and have thus proved
Can I prove log(n)=O(n^x) for some x? prove yes or explain why no.
mmmm lets see. for ,
The expression approaches a constant, so we have therefore proven that for some .
4) Recurrences
v3 update - I asked and she said add base cases so I have updaded the pseudo code to include base cases.
a)Provide a Sample code for the recurrences below.
i) T(n)=T(n/5)+T(3n/5)+n
foo(int n)
if n <= 1
for(i=1 to n)
print "meow :3"
foo(int n)
if n <= 1
for(i=1 to n)
print "meow :3"
iii) T(n)=4T(n/2)+n^3
foo(int n)
if n <= 1
for(i=1 to 4)
for(i=1 to n^3)
print "meow :3"
Problem 5
v3 update: the lack of a base case here was an error. treat the code as if there were one
Given code can you write the recurrence
foo( int n)
for( i=1 to n^2)
print hello
idk man just look at it i guess
Problem 6)
Write pseudocode that lists the subsets of an array of ints.
# need 2^n iterations for the 2^n subsets
for (i = 0 to (2^arr.length - 1))
subset = []
# ok i feel like this will need some explanation bc i do some
# funny bitwise stuff. basically for each value of i, we use
# its binary value to get every possible combination of elements
# here we iterate through each bit
for (j = 0 to (arr.length - 1))
# using bitshift operators, 1<<j we can check each bit in i
# for example for 4 bits, (1<<j) resolves to 0001, then 0010,
# then 0100, then 1000. using the bitwise AND operator, we can
# check to see if that bit in i is equal to 1. if so, we add
# the value to the subset. hope that makes sense :3
if i & (1 << j)
print subset
Write psuedocode finds the smallest number of array of ints.
if arr.len = 0
return "empty"
smallest = arr[0]
# iterate thru each element. if a smaller one is found, set it as smallest
for (i = 1 to (arr.length - 1))
if arr[i] < smallest
smallest = arr[i]
print smallest
Write psudedocode the lists all possible substring of a string S.
# empty string
print ''
# iterate thru each character the substring could start with
for (i = 0 to (S.length - 1))
# iterate thru each character the substring could end with
for (j = i to (S.length - 1))
sub = S[i to j]
print sub
Given you have two sorted lists, write pseudocode that returns a new merged and sorted list
mergeSortedLists(list1, list2)
mergedList = []
# these are basically iterators
i = j = 0
# we run thru the lists until one of them runs out of elements
while (i < list1.length && j < list2.length)
# compare the smallest elements of both lists, then add
# it to mergedList. increment that list's iterator
if list1[i] < list2[j]
# once one of the lists runs out of elements, add the rest
# of the elements from the other list
while (i < list1.length)
while (j < list2.length)
return mergedList